Great Commission Christian School

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Advent Week 2: Student Bible Reflections

This week was the second week of Advent, the week of the Peace candle. Great Commission Christian School students studied this verse from John 14 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 NIV.

Here are some of the students’ observations and thoughts on small sections of the verse.

Peace I leave with you; This is important because Jesus leaves us peace. We all have peace with God.

my peace I give you. Jesus is giving us peace so that we won't fight with each other. Jesus gives us peace so that we can love even if we are distracted by people who can be bothering us or trying to take our peace.

I do not give to you as the world gives. We may not feel like Jesus is going to give us world peace or peace and quiet. Jesus is gives us a deep spiritual peace in our spirit, that other things or people can’t give us.

Do not let your hearts be troubled: God says “I can stop your heart from being troubled.”  What is troubled?  When I work hard on something, I don’t want anything to happen to it if even if it is a game. Trouble is when you lose all your stuff in a game or my toys under the couch. 

and do not be afraid. Who says it matters a lot. If someone who I trust like my Mom says “don’t be afraid” I believe her. Since Jesus is saying it I trust him. The opposite of peace is fear. Don’t be afraid of what is around you.

I know that Jesus is God, Prince Of Peace, Everlasting Lord, King Of Righteousness, Alpha & Omega, New Born King, Wonderful Counselor, Emanuel, The Son Of God who rose from the dead & The Son Of God who made Me! So I can have peace from His words in this verse.