Great Commission Christian School

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Opening in the midst of crisis!

Opening in the midst of crisis!

That has been a big part of our story, here at Great Commission Christian School.

About twenty years ago, in April of 2002, a major fire heavily damaged our church building. The fire hit just as we were finishing plans to open the new Great Commission Christian School the following September!

We weren't sure what to do. The damage to the building would take months to repair. Should we postpone? Wait another year?

Our volunteers, both teachers and administrators, got together and prayed. We sought God's direction.

The answer? We were led to go ahead and open GCCS that following September, right after the fire! We had families in need of full-time Christian education, and teachers ready to share their time and their gifts. We knew that even though the building was still not 100% rebuilt, we had to answer God's call to educate the children He had sent us for that year.

Sister Sheryl, Sister Michelle, Sister Carol, Sister Liz, and others all rolled up their sleeves, and got to work. We opened the September after the fire.

Today, 2021, another crisis. Not a fire, but a pandemic. We want to open up for our twentieth year of full-time Christian education for our young. We dearly want our classrooms to be in-person, but the COVID-19 crisis continues. What should we do?

We should pray. We are praying. We are asking God's wisdom for in-person reopening, or teaching again via Zoom, as we did last year.

But of one thing we are certain: regardless of the crisis we are in, we will give our all to fulfilling God's call for us to teach the children He sends us this coming September! Our teachers will share God's Word with them, and offer them excellent academic instruction as well. Equipped with God's Word and Spirit, we will be ready to share what's most important with the students of Great Commission Christian School.

And for that, we thank God.

I look forward to seeing you next month.

Pastor Christoph Schulze, Headmaster