Great Commission Christian School

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“What do you say?”

So, what do you say?

Virtual assembly each day at Great Commission.

What do you say... when your 11-year-old asks when she will finally get to have "real" school again, with a real teacher and classmates again, instead of everything being on the computer?

What do you say... when you hear the governor announce that we may have limited shut-downs of business and schools -- again?!

What do you say... when your 4-year-old asks you why he always needs to put a mask on when you are getting out of the car?

What do you say... to the kids when you have to let them know they still can't see their grandma because of the risk of spreading infection?

Maybe you have struggled with expressing yourself in situations like these, when the hard questions pop up in the midst of this pandemic.  So, what do you say?

Let me share what we keep on saying in our classes here at Great Commission Christian School, when we face some of the same critical questions you and your family are facing:

We keep on saying: the Lord, the Creator of heaven and all the earth, is still in charge!  He made all things, and holds our lives and our families in His powerful hands.

We keep on reminding each other: God doesn't change, and neither do His promises.  Even though the world may change a lot, we are thankful that God remains the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

We keep saying: because this world is such a mess (we see that all around us!) the Lord came to us -- in Jesus, the Messiah.  He came to die in our place, that we might be rescued from our sin-brokenness.  In Christ, we have the sure, unchanging promise of salvation.

We keep saying, to students and parents: by God's grace, we are here for each other.  God put us together in community for such a time as this.  And, by His grace, we are going to keep on educating our children, and keep on sharing the Word with them -- by computer for now, and in person, whenever God gives us that opportunity again.

Yes, some days it is a real struggle.  Yes, we are sometimes certainly tempted to give up.  But, as the Spirit empowers us, we keep on repeating these truths to each other, and in doing so, we are encouraged. The ministry of educating the next generation goes on!

So... what do you say? 

In our Redeemer's name, 

Pastor Christoph Schulze