Academics & Policies


Deacon Singh with students

Education Philosophy

We have consistently employed an eclectic approach to education, using traditional Christian homeschool texts (such as BJU, CPH, or A Beka) as well as online curricula (Calvert, Mavis Beacon, ReadWorks, Zearn, GrammarFlip) and secular publishers (Prentice Hall and Rand McNally.)  This great variety of resources allows our teachers to connect with students through lectures, discussions, hands-on learning, and internet tools such as Google Classroom.  Students have subject teachers (usually 3 or 4 instructors), which gives them exposure to a variety of teaching styles.  Annual standardized tests (we generally administer the Stanford Achievement Test) give parents and teachers an objective measure of each student’s academic progress.  Great Commission Christian School has been a member of the Lutheran Schools Association for 18 years, and our staff participates in the annual continuing education workshops offered by the LSA.

Student Evaluation

At the end of the 1st-3rd quarters, a copy of your child’s report card will be distributed at our parent-teacher conference.  Parents must attend in order to receive a copy.  

You will need to make an appointment with your child’s teacher.


A = 90-100 Excellent/ Very Good                  E= Excellent

B = 80-89 Good                                             G=Good

C = 70-79 Fair/Passing                                   S= Satisfactory

F = 69 and below Failing                               N= Needs Improvement

I = incomplete                                             U= Unsatisfactory

Mrs. Vernour with students
Students making paper mache

Enrichment Classes 

Music: Choir & Piano

Christian Yoga





Science Fair

History Fair

A Pass "P" or Fail option "F” based on the following: 

  • Craftsmanship (skilled in completing project based on criteria) 

  • Effort (Student's vigorous or determined attempt)

  • Composition (Effective use of elements and principles taught)


Dress Code

Student Zara

Girls: Plaid Jumper (Grades Pre-K to 5th Grade)

Plaid Skirts (Grades 6-8)

Blouses: Bright Pink Peter Pan (collar) (6-8th Grade Burgandy Polo)

Ties (Grades 6-8 only)

Sweater: Burgundy cardigan 

Socks/stockings:  Burgundy ONLY

Shoes: solid black shoes or solid black sneakers; Winter boots: grey or black, 

Snow boots: boots of choice.

Pants: grey, instead of a skirt or jumper; during the winter season


Student Bevon

Boys:  Grey trousers (plain or pleated)

Shirts: White shirts (6-8th Grade White Polo)

Tie: Plaid tie

Sweater: Burgundy cardigan 

Socks:  black

Belt: Black

Shoes: plain black shoes or plain black sneakers;

Winter boots: grey or black, Snow boots: boots of choice. 

Note: If your child does not know how to tie his or her shoe/sneaker laces, we require Velcro shoes

Trips:  Children must dress in GCCS green school logo t-shirt and or hoodie (available for purchase at GCCS) with blue or black jeans. NO leggings, tights or skirts. 

Birthday Celebrations

  1. A student is permitted to be out of uniform for his/ her birthday.  If his/her birthday falls on a weekend he/she may wear casual clothes, the Monday after their birthday

  2. Students with summer birthdays will be given a "Dress Down Day" pass that may be used any day in June.

General School Rules

SCHOOL HOURS: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Love, Jesus loves me.  I will love others. 

We will take care of each other.

Respect, we take turns when we speak.

Obedience, we obey the authorities God gives us.

Stewardship, we use God’s gifts with thankful care.

Danger, we are aware of what we see, walk don’t run. 

Things NOT allowed in School

1. Toys: permission must be granted by a teacher. If a toy (without permission) is brought into school, the teacher may take it and the parent must ask to get it back. It will not be given back to the child.

2. Electronic devices and gadgets: cell phones - allowed to be kept in their locker from 6-8th grade, tablets- these will only be allowed with a written consent by both teacher and parent. 

3. Matches, knives, and weapons