Meet GCCS Alumni

Zari James

Zari James ‘15

Hi I’m Zari James. I recently graduated from Brooklyn College with a B.A. in Childhood Education (1-6). The wonderful love and education I received from GCCS inspired me to pursue a teaching career of my own. I experienced so much love, grace, encouragement, and amazing hands on learning opportunities that helped my understanding of various topics. The many educational activities at GCCS also boosted my own personal confidence as well as helped me become a person who is open and appreciative of others. Most importantly, Great Commission helped build my foundation in my faith in Christ. Having the opportunity to see, receive, and learn Christs love in action helped me continue to pursue my own personal relationship with Jesus and be a light to others. I am now getting ready to pursue missions in hopes of sharing the same love with children and families that the community of GCCS shared with me.

Joshua James

Joshua James

I go to college at City Tech and I am studying to get a liberal arts major. GCCS really helped me to be ready for what the world has to offer by not only teaching me but giving me life lessons and making sure I was heading in the right direction by bringing God into my life. One of the most important things I've gotten was a group of people who I can rely on if I need anything at anytime.

Zuriel Edwards

Zuriel Edwards

My name is Zuriel Edwards, I’m 22 years old and I have a bachelors degree in social work. I currently work as a counselor in a residence for adolescents who suffer from trauma and various mental health issues. My job requires me to provide both physical and emotional support to the youth as they transition from living at the residence to living with their families. I am grateful to have gone to GCCS because it gave me a strong foundation in faith which prepared me to be a light in a field where people don’t have much hope.

Rebekah Schulters

Rebekah Schulters

I had the pleasure of attending Great Commission from 2nd to 7th grade. GCCS nurtured me in those years in such an impactful way. I was blessed with teachers who cared about our well being and academics, showed compassion and loved on us. You don't get that same experience in many other places. I'm currently living in Michigan working as an engineer (my childhood dream). Honestly GCCS and the teachers who prayed for and with us everyday, prepared me for every step of the way.

David-Paul Schulze

David-Paul Schulze

I am David-Paul Schulze a mechanical engineering student at Valparaiso University. There were lots of factors which allowed me to get where I am today and one of those was definitely Great Commission Christian School. During my formative years at GCCS from pre-K to 7th grade I was able to grow both academically and spiritually because of the personal learning environment and the great people at GCCS. As I left Great Commission, I quickly learned how different other schools were and how everyone was not  given the unique opportunity to grow in Faith and mind like I was at GCCS. For that I will be forever grateful to God, and the people who make Great Commission possible. I hope that more people can experience what I did!

Colleen James

Colleen James

My name is Colleen and I am a GCCS alumna! In 2019 I graduated from college and am looking for work. In my free time I enjoy listening to music and writing poetry. Right now everything is uncertain but GCCS has prepared me for this by teaching me from a young age how important it is to stay Grounded in God and in His Word in hard times like this because when I remain firmly rooted in Him, I may be shaken but not destroyed!


Kyle Janniere

Hi my name is Kyle Janniere Jr. and I am a student of Binghamton University. My goal is to become a mechanical engineer. I am now taking chemistry and Calculus while working on an Eboard for Nsbe. Great Commission Christian School prepared me for college by helping me gain confidence to communicate with others.

Raamiah Edwards

Raamiah Edwards

Great Commisson Christian School has been an integral part in my growth as a person and provided me with exposure to what would quickly become my passion. As a recent college graduate preparing for graduate school it was due to my experiences at Great Commission that reminded of my love for music and the positive impact it always had on my spiritual, mental and emotional health. Pursuing a Masters degree in Musical therapy while also beginning the journey of creating my own original worship music was a decision that could only have been made because of the musical roots formed in this school. The lasting friendships which are truly family made here will always be very dear to my heart. I am and forever will be grateful to the teachers and helpers at this school who poured into my life with unconditional love.

Emmi Forbes

Emmi Forbes

Great Commission made me the person that I am today. My teachers showed me the love of Christ daily and gave me compassion and grace when I needed it most. I was more than prepared for my high school experience after attending GCCS from Kindergarten to 7th grade. During college I realized that I wanted to show the same love I was shown in the classroom as a teacher. I could not be the teacher I am today without Great Commission.


Natae Kidd

Hi, I’m Natae Kidd an alumna of Great Commission Christian School. I started attending the school in Pre-K at the age of 4 years old. I had an amazing teacher, Mrs James, and friends who have now become my family. Throughout my years there, I not only learned academically but also Spiritually. I also learned to be humble and to cherish the relationship I have with myself, my friends and the Lord. Pastor Schulze and all the other teachers have done a remarkable job in helping to mold all who have walked through the GCCS doors. I gained a bond with God that I would not have gotten at any other school. I left GCCS and went to public school for 5th grade. Since then I’ve used my lessons from Great Commission to help guide me through. I’ve made some mistakes however, but it was because of my foundation at GCCS that I was able to confidently  ask God for help and trust that He would. I am currently a Sophomore in high school and I’m still in contact with my Great Commission family as they continue to be an important part of my life!