Homeschool family interested in managing your child’s education in a semi-formal Christian setting?

Great Commission Christian School was founded by several groups of parents who were individually praying about homeschooling. We were drawn to meet and pray about starting a Christian school in Brooklyn, we were all called to fulfill the Great Commission by teaching other children as well as our own. If you are a homeschool family who wants to find community and support as you teach and train your child, Great Commission may be the place for you.

Group of teachers & parents some of whom helped to found the school in 2002.

Group of teachers & parents, some of whom helped to found the school in 2002.

When your family joins GCCS we all share the responsibility for our children’s education and growth.

What we have to offer:

Dividing grade & subject responsibilities.


Teacher trainings

Classroom management

Classmates of all ages
Learning flexibility


Staff Bible study, prayer & fellowship time

If this kind of community is the support you’re looking for, please submit our admission form, and let’s meet!