Our Staff

Our staff has always been composed of parents willing to serve as full-time and part-time volunteer instructors and administrators.  Our teachers have a call to serve Christ in bringing up their own children, as well as other students who are led to our community.  The work is overseen by our principal and the pastor of our congregation, who serves as our school’s headmaster.  Decisions about admissions, curricula, and educational direction are made by prayerful consensus of the staff.

Pastor Schulze

Pastor Christoph Schulze - Headmaster

For the past 22 years Pastor Schulze has served St. Matthew’s of Canarsie, and was one the founders of Great Commission Christian School. His 4 children all attended GCCS during his 22 years as overseer. He teaches History and Bible class.

Principal Singh

Mrs. Sonia Singh - Principal

Mrs. Singh has served as GCCS Principal for the past 6 years. She does administrative and financial work along with coordinating parent communications. Each of her 3 children have been a part of the GCCS community. She is also very active in the St. Matthew’s of Canarsie congregation.

Mrs. Schulze

Mrs. Sheryl Schulze - Administrator + Teacher

A founding member of the GCCS community, Mrs. Schulze has been involved with almost all aspects of the school’s programming. She teaches and also coordinates the weekly staff Bible study and prayer time.

Dr. Wimbley

Dr. Elizabeth Wimbley M.D. - Medical Advisor

Following many years of full-time pediatric medical practice, Dr. Wimbley now teaches science to our oldest students. Her daughter also attended GCCS for 4 years.

Mrs. Gordon

Mrs. Sharone Gordon - Elementary Teacher

Mrs. Gordon joined the GCCS community 12 years ago as a parent, when her first daughter was in Kindergarten. She has taught at GCCS for 4 years while her third child attends.

Mrs. Joann James - Elementary Teacher

For the past 10 years Mrs. Joann James has been serving the youngest students in the GCCS community. She teaches Pre-K, Kindergarten & 1st grade.