Our COVID-19 Policy

GCCS last day of school 2019-2020.

GCCS last day of school 2019-2020.

Updated July, 2023

In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Great Commission Christian School has decided that God willing, we will do in-person instruction, following state guidelines.

We are prepared also to do work online, if the circumstances of the pandemic make that necessary. This previously developed Back-to-School Plan may be used in part for re-opening our school building and providing educational ministry for the 2023-24 school year. This plan was written with guidance from and the recommendations of health officials, other Lutheran schools, and state and local leaders. It is designed to prioritize the health and safety of students and staff. While careful consideration has gone into the construction of this plan, we recognize that the plan must be fluid to allow Great Commission Christian to respond to changes in local health regulations and recommendations and the spread of COVID-19.

Please note that this plan is designed to mitigate the chances of students and staff contracting the COVID-19 virus. It is not a guarantee or promise that students or staff will not contract the virus while on the school campus.


Practicing Prevention

Great Commission School will:

1) Teach and reinforce good hygiene practices such as hand washing, covering coughs, etc.

2) Post signage in classrooms, hallways, and entrances to communicate how to stop the spread of COVID-19 including good hygiene practices and staying home when sick.

3) Provide hand soap, hand sanitizer, and no touch paper towel dispensers and allow students to bring hand sanitizer from home.

4) Clean/disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

5) Allow students to bring hand sanitizer and water bottles from home.

6) Increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible as long as it does not pose a health or safety risk.