The Gifts of This Season

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.
— Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV

So says the inspired writer of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes.  There are various times, various seasons in life.  God brings them on.  He's in charge.  We walk through times and seasons.

Each season brings its challenges, of course.  And -- though we often forget this -- each season brings its own gifts, as well.

In 2020 we have often focused on all of the challenges we have faced: pandemic, social upheaval, political division.   There have been plenty of challenges, for sure.

But, recently, I began asking people what gifts they have received in this wild, crazy, and challenging year.  You see, amidst the many frustrations and personal griefs we have all endured, God has also continued to pour out His gifts on us.  Here are some of the gifts I have heard about in this season:

  • More time with family, and getting to know family members better.  Many of us have had more time, and more quality time, with spouses, children, parents, and siblings.  Some of us have even had the privilege of getting more meaningfully involved with the education of our children.  What a blessing!

  • More time in Bible study.  Through family devotions, "house church," and personal study time, many Christians have found this season of isolation to be one of deepening our appreciation for the written Word of God.  Many Christians are reading the Bible more than they used to, and praying more than they used to.  

  • A deeper appreciation for the good things God does provide for us, daily.  This year, when we could not get rubbing alcohol, paper towels, fast food, travel reservations, and tickets to the ball game or movie theater, many of suddenly realized that we take much for granted.  We have come to appreciate God's gifts more than we did in January, when we were gearing up for just another year of rushing around "like normal."  What a blessing to be more aware of God's grace to us, daily.

This season surely has its challenges.  We praise God for those challenges!  Let's be open to thanking God, also, for the many, many gifts of this season.

In Christ Jesus, our great Gift.

Pastor Christoph Schulze, 



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