Advent Week 1: Student Reflections

First Advent candle lit

This week Great Commission celebrated the first week of Advent with many Christians around the world. When asked what Advent is to them some Great Commission students shared their thoughts.

One 3rd Grader said “Advent means for me that we have to prepare for God when He comes, so that He doesn’t find us sleeping. And, for us to believe in Him. My church and family take 3 purple candles and one pink candle, and we light one for hope, one for peace, one for joy – the pink one – and one for love.”

“When you prepare for Jesus, near Christmas. When I think of Advent I think of the wreath, and what the candles mean. So, one is for love, one for hope, one for peace, and one is for joy. This is important because the words help us prepare for Jesus” said a 4th Grader.

Finally, one 7th grader explained what she does with her family each Advent. “When I think of Advent I think of being in my warm house and lighting a candle. It’s a cozy time. My family gets together again and everyone is home for Advent. I think of getting a tree, and putting up decorations. My family makes a wreath out of evergreens, and we sing around the wreath. One of the songs we sing every year is ‘Light One Candle.’ I think of serving as an acolyte at church, and getting to light one more candle every Sunday in the season. The Advent wreath looks the prettiest when all four candles are lit. Christmas Eve is my very favorite service of the year.”

Please check back next week to read about Great Commission’s second week of Advent.


Advent Week 2: Student Bible Reflections


Keep Awake! A Zoom skit by GCCS students