Great Commission Christian School

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COVID-19 Update

Note: This plan includes in-person preparations, GCCS is currently conducting all classes online. The staff hopes to be in-person at some point in the school year and will share new information as it is available.

In response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Great Commission Christian School has developed this Back-to-School Plan for re-opening our school building and providing educational ministry for the 2020-21 school year. This plan was written with guidance from and the recommendations of health officials, other Lutheran schools, and state and local leaders. It is designed to prioritize the health and safety of students and staff. While careful consideration has gone into the construction of this plan, we recognize that the plan must be fluid to allow Great Commission Christian to respond to changes in local health regulations and recommendations, and the spread of COVID-19.


Please note that this plan is designed to mitigate the chances of students and staff contracting the COVID-19 virus. It is not a guarantee or promise that students or staff will not contract the virus while on the school campus.


Practicing Prevention

Great Commission School will:

1) Teach and reinforce good hygiene practices such as hand washing, covering coughs, etc.

2) Post signage in classrooms, hallways, and entrances to communicate how to stop the spread of COVID-19 including good hygiene practices and staying home when sick.

3) Provide hand soap, hand sanitizer, and no touch paper towel dispensers and allow students to bring hand sanitizer from home.

4) Clean/disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

5) Allow students to bring hand sanitizer and water bottles from home.

6) Increase circulation of  outdoor air as much as possible as long as it does not pose a health or safety risk.

7) Conduct deep cleaning of the campus on a regular basis.

Faculty and Staff

1) All Church and School Staff will be tested for COVID19 two weeks prior the start of the school year.

2) Staff must administer a self-assessment before reporting to work each day. (Temperature at home.)

3) If a staff member answers “Yes” to any of the self-assessment questions, he/she should not report to work.

4) Staff members in classrooms will wear a face mask unless eating. Other staff will wear a face mask when within 6 feet of another person.

5) If a staff member becomes ill while on campus:

a) the staff member will be sent home immediately.

b) the individual will be advised to contact a healthcare professional to determine if the symptoms are a result of COVID-19 infection or if there are other health issues.

c) If a case of COVID-19 is identified, the school will follow the guidance of the local health department regarding tracing, classroom or school closure, community notification, and sanitizing protocols.


1) Parents/guardians will complete daily screening questions before sending children to school. If the student answers “Yes” to any of the self-assessment questions, he or she should not come to school.

2) Student temperatures will be checked under the awning before entering the school. Students with temperatures of 100° F or higher will not enter the school.

3) Students in 2nd through 8th grade will wear a face mask (and face shield if they want) at all times unless eating. 

4) A new or clean mask should be worn each day.

5) The school will provide a disposable mask to students without one at a charge of $1.50 per mask.

6) If a student cannot wear a mask for medical reasons, a medical exemption note must be provided by a doctor.

7) If a student becomes ill while on campus:

a) The student will be isolated until arrangements can be made to be picked up by a parent or guardian.

b) The individual will be advised to contact a healthcare professional to determine if the symptoms are a result of COVID-19 infection or if there are other health issues.

c) If a case of COVID-19 is identified, the school will follow the guidance of the local health department regarding tracing, classroom or school closure, community notification, and sanitizing protocols.



1) All visitors/parents entering the building must wear a face mask or face shield when entering the building.

2) All visitors/parents will only be allowed in the school entrance and school office.

3) Only one parent/guardian will be allowed in the school entrance/office at a time. Other parents/guardians will wait outside until the current parent/guardian exits the building.

4) Parents/guardians will not be allowed to escort children to the classroom. (See pick-up and drop-off procedures.)

Student/Staff Returning to School After Illness or Quarantine

As per current CDC guidelines, Great Commission will adopt the following guidelines for returning to school for students/staff who are COVID positive or presumed positive:

1) Symptom-based strategy

a) Persons with COVID-19 who have symptoms and were directed by a health care provider to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation & return to school under the following conditions:

i) At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and,

ii) At least 14 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

b) A note from the primary caregiver should be sent with the student upon return to school.


2) Test-based strategy

a) Previous recommendations for a test-based strategy remain applicable; however, a test-based strategy is contingent on the availability of and access to testing.

b) Persons who have COVID-19 who have symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions:

i)  Resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and

  ii) Improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath), and

 iii) Negative results of a COVID-19 molecular assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from at least two consecutive respiratory specimens collected ≥24 hours apart (total of two negative specimens)

c) A note from the primary caregiver should be sent with the student upon return to school.


3) Time-based strategy for persons with confirmed positive COVID-19 who have not had any symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions:

a) At least 14 days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID-19 diagnostic test assuming they have not subsequently developed symptoms since their positive test.

b) If they develop symptoms, then the symptom-based or test-based strategy should be used.

Note: because symptoms cannot be used to gauge where these individuals are in the course of their illness, it is possible that the duration of viral shedding could be longer or shorter than 14 days after their first positive test.

c) A note from the primary caregiver should be sent with the student upon return to school.


For students or staff who had close contact with a COVID positive person, the student (and potentially

siblings) should self-quarantine for 14 days if the contact was longer than 10-15 minutes and social distancing was not in place. A note from the primary caregiver should be sent with the student upon return to school. If returning to school prior to 14 days after exposure, a mask should be worn if possible and where practical.


Remote Learning will be available for students at home due to situations of illness and/or quarantine.


Hand Washing/Sanitizer

1) A touchless hand sanitizer station will be available at the entrance to the school building.

2) Students and staff are encouraged to use hand sanitizer upon entering the building.

3) Students and staff will wash hands before eating, after eating, and after restroom usage.

4) Students in 4th through 8th  will be encouraged to keep personal hand sanitizer at their desks.


1) Classes will be scheduled for restroom time separate from other classes.

2) Students will be spaced a minimum of 3-6 feet while waiting to use the restroom.

3) The number of individuals in a restroom at any given time will be limited to 2.

4) Restrooms will be deep cleaned at least once a day. High touch surfaces will be wiped down throughout the day.

Remote Learning

Classroom lessons will be streamed through Zoom for students at high risk, quarantined, or ill.

Teachers will provide digital copies of assignments/worksheets as practical.


 Water Fountains 

1) Students are encouraged to bring water bottles from home.


1) When entering classrooms in the morning, students will maintain social distancing when using lockers or coat hooks.

2) Students will be seated in individual desks and spaced as far apart as feasible (between 3 to 6 feet).

3) Student desks will all face the same direction.

4) Students will not be allowed to share supplies.

5) High touch surfaces will be wiped down throughout the day.

6) Students will not change rooms for different classes. Teachers will change rooms as necessary.


1) The music class curriculum will be adjusted to minimize the possibility of COVID19 transmission.

2) Students will not sing or play any wind instruments in closed space.

3) Percussion instruments will be sprayed and wiped with disinfectant between uses.

Physical Education

1) Physical Education classes will be conducted outside if weather conditions allow.


1) Students will maintain social distancing while in line.

2) Each class will eat lunch in their classrooms.

3) Kitchen staff must wear disposable gloves and masks while working.

Large Groups/Assemblies/Chapel

Large groups or assemblies will be spread out the sanctuary or outside. No more than 12 people will attend chapel at one time.. The Chapel service will be streamed to other groups or students at home.. 


1) Students will maintain social distancing when going to and coming from recess.

2) Classes will not be combined for recess OR each class will have a designated play area.

3) Classes will not share playground equipment (kickballs, jump rope, etc.). Each class will be issued its own equipment.

4) Sports equipment will be sprayed/wiped between uses.

Drop-off Procedures

1) Students may begin entering the building at 8:10 a.m.

2) Students will remain in the vehicle until a thermal scan of his/her temperature has been conducted.

3) Parents/Guardians arriving after 8:20 a.m. will call the school office upon arrival. A staff member will meet the vehicle to conduct a thermal scan before the student enters the building.


Pickup Procedures

1) All parents/guardians must wait outside at their car. Call the teacher on duty to deliver the student to you after dismissal.  Parents/Guardians are not to enter the building.

Extended Care

1) To maintain social distancing, families must sign-up the day before to use before or after school care.

2) Social Distancing by family will be maintained in the Extended Care program.

3) Attendance will be limited to  ______________ students/families signed up on a first-come, first-served basis.

If a Case is Identified

If an individual within Great Commission Christian School tests positive for COVID-19, the school will work with the local health department on next steps which may include the following:

1) Identify who the individual was in contact with, within a 6-foot space for at least 15 minutes. If specific contacts cannot be identified, quarantine all individuals from that classroom.

2) Close the building for 10 days if over 5% of the student body tests positive any day, 4% over 2 days in a row or 3% test positive 3 days in a row.

3) Initiate Remote Learning for a class (see #1) or the school (#2).


Tuition will be paid per the Tuition Agreement signed by each Parent/Guardian. Under circumstances where the building is closed and Remote Learning is instituted, the  Great Commission Christian School  Staff will consider partial reimbursement of tuition only if the school sees substantial savings in campus operating expenses.

Screening Questions


The following symptoms indicate a possible illness that may decrease your child’s ability to learn and put them at a risk for spreading illness to others.

❏ Temperature 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by mouth;

❏ Sore throat;

❏ NEW uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (for students with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in cough baseline);

❏ Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain;

❏ New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever.


❏ Had close contact (within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes) with a person confirmed with COVID-19;

❏ Travelled to an area reporting large numbers of Covid-19 cases.

Remote Learning

Parents/Guardians may request that their child(ren) participate in school through remote learning. Following are our guidelines for remote learning:

● Families will complete a form requesting remote learning for their child(ren).

● Remote Learners must have a reliable internet connection and a computer or Chromebook. At this time, Great Commission cannot necessarily provide a device for every Remote Learner. (6th through 8th grade students use laptops). 

● For planning and classroom social distancing purposes, families will be asked to commit to remote learning for at least one quarter. Although exceptions may be allowed, in general students will not be allowed to switch back-and-forth between on-site and remote learning.

● Sick and quarantined students may participate in remote learning.

● Textbooks and other school provided materials for remote learners will be available for pick-up from the school on September 9,  from 8:10 a.m. to noon.

● Schoolwork Packets will be available from 7:30-8:00 a.m. on the first day of the school week (usually Mondays) for a parent/guardian to pick-up using the drop-off car line.

● Religion, Language Arts (Reading; English), Math, Science, Music, and Social Studies classes will be available to be viewed through Zoom.

● The classroom teacher will provide a daily schedule for the times of those classes.

● Students must attend all on-line classes in a day to be recorded as present.

● Remote Learners will access classes using Zoom and the Great Commission Google account assigned to the student. Accounts outside of the Great Commission domain will not be allowed to enter the Zoom.

● Schoolwork for Remote Learners must be completed by the student.

● Completed Packets will be returned to school on Monday the following week.

● Remote Learners will be evaluated and assigned grades based on the same standards as on-site learners.

● Remote Learners should be dressed appropriately for school (minimum of a dress-code top and no pajamas) and will sit at a desk, table or countertop.

● Remote Learners will have cameras turned on and microphones muted unless asking a question or participating in a discussion.

● Great Commission will have a five-day academic week with Fridays reserved for remote directed independent study.  This day will allow students specialized work and teachers adequate planning time for the additional duties remote learning will require.