Headmaster’s Letter

Welcome!  I am honored to share with you a few words of introduction to our school community.

To put it simply: Great Commission Christian School exists to share the love of Jesus with your child. 

Over twenty years ago, God gathered a group of praying moms who were concerned about the educational options in Brooklyn for their children.  Over the course of two years, these sisters met weekly to pray and to begin organizing a Christian school.  Their vision: an educational community that would offer their children both excellent academic preparation as well as a spiritual foundation for a lifetime.

God richly answered their prayers!  For the past 19 years Great Commission has trained and nurtured nearly 100 students -- including my own 4 children.  We now have dozens of alumni doing successful work in high school and college, as well as GCCS graduates who are working in the fields of secondary education, marketing, engineering, social work, culinary arts, and more.  Most importantly, all of these students were taught the Word of God, and have been offered the Gospel of Jesus Christ -- the only sure foundation for life and salvation in these challenging times! 

Contact us if you’d like your family to become a part of ours.  We will look forward to meeting you. 

Pastor Christoph Schulze, Headmaster


GCCS Welcomes Students to Online Learning


COVID-19 Update