GCCS Welcomes Students to Online Learning

Some students and teachers in Chapel on Sept. 9th

Some students and teachers in Chapel on Sept. 9th

On September 9, 2020 Great Commission Christian School welcomed students back using Zoom, and other online programs.

The staff are excited to introduce the students to new individualized curricula and to encourage them as they embark on this new experience.

The spring quarters brought new learning circumstances for all of the students, and the faculty hopes to continue the growth that was fostered in this new school year.

It is a unique beginning; yet teaching and learning will not be hindered. Our teachers are prepared to welcome their classes and pick up where they left off.

GCCS hopes to transition to in-person learning at some point in the school year, and more information will be provided as the staff prayerfully considers what is best for the community.

Faculty & staff at Great Commission are grounded in God’s promise to us in Romans, chapter 8: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” What a joy it will be to see each student in the classroom again!


Welcome to 2020-’21 GCCS Families


Headmaster’s Letter