Welcome to 2020-’21 GCCS Families

Dear Students and Parents, 

It is my privilege to welcome you to the 2020-2021 school year at Great Commission Christian School.  We believe that God is at work here and are excited to be a part of what He is doing. Praise God, we have completed two successful weeks of classes! This school year started very different from previous years; but we are thankful that God has allowed us to continue this ministry in the midst of a pandemic. 

While we at GCCS are grateful that you have entrusted us with the education of your child, we are aware that we cannot do it alone. So please pray for us, support us, and get involved with us in the education of your child. We will endeavor to provide the best quality learning experiences not only through academics but also based on biblical principles and teachings. 

As we continue to have classes fully online, we ask for your patience as we navigate through these difficult and challenging times. Remember, this is new to all of us! I am certain that with God’s help we will get through this together, as we are reminded in our theme and verse for this school year, “In Christ, I can!”

” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 

 I am excited to see what God will do at GCCS this new school year.  Please let me know if I can help you in any way.  


Blessings on a great school year!

In Christ’s Service,

Sonia Singh


New Curriculum: Calvert


GCCS Welcomes Students to Online Learning