Great Commission Christian School

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God’s still working: A student’s perspective on online learning

In February, I was in school having my normal day from 8:00-3:15. Then, in March I was trying to find out how to use Zoom. There are many differences and similarities about the two classrooms, in person and virtual classrooms. 

First, one similarity  about being an online student and being an in person student, is that I have my same 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Schulze, she has taught me in person and online. I also have my same classmates in a virtual classroom and person. We have such a small sixth grade group, that we don’t need to be split up. Another similarity is, thankfully, I had about the same number of subjects as I would have, if we were in person. My teacher told me despite being online she is “ still overjoyed when a student understands a concept.” Lastly and most importantly, God is with me whether I have class in person and online. He helps me through virtual learning and in person leaning.

 There are also many differences about being online and in person for class.  In person, I got to go to recess every afternoon and got lots of exercise. On the other hand, now, I can no longer have recess with my friends. In person, I could chat with my friends, make jokes, and eat snacks together. In a virtual classroom we cannot talk together, eat, and laugh as much, in school anymore. Another difference is I almost always used a book for my learning. Now, I have a notebook and I look at my computer a lot more than I used to. During virtual learning, I have different curriculums than I did during in person classes. When I learn online, it is different because my teacher draws on the computer instead of a board. I also have to think about whether the wi-fi will work or not

Finally, I know God has us and will take care of us during both the virtual class and when we are finally able to return to school. One of my fellow classmates, Levanna, says “We do the same Bible activities, such as chapel and S.O.S (starting out with scripture), even though we are on Zoom.” She’s right! I know the situation we are going through right now is not how we expected our school year to go. Yet God is still working through me and my classmates by letting us understand how to use our computers, during our daily Bible study times while also working in our families as we are all at home during this time.