Serve the LORD with Gladness! 2022-23’

With joy and excitement the teachers and students of Great Commission Christian School enter our 21st year of full-time educational ministry in the name of Jesus!

Fittingly, the theme verse chosen for the 2022-23 academic year is "Serve the LORD with Gladness." (Psalm 100:2)

Though there are many social challenges facing us and facing our children these days, we know we are called to "serve the Lord with gladness."  Though the world seems a quite different place as we emerge from the pandemic, we are glad to serve the Lord in person once again.  Though teaching is a calling which offers daily challenges, we know that in the power of God's Spirit, we serve the Lord with gladness.  We are glad to serve God in our varied vocations!

Why?  For the Word of God promises: "For to a person who is good in His sight, God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy..." 

(Ecclesiastes 2:26, NASB)

As we follow our Lord Jesus and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, serve to fulfill His Great Commission, He gives us joy.  We serve the LORD with gladness!  May that joy, that gladness, permeate the coming school year, and fill our homes.  

If you are new to our community, and would like to join us on the journey this year, please check out our admissions page here.

The Lord bless you.

Pastor Christoph Schulze


The Little Library


Calling all homeschool families!