Transitioning from Public School

Coming to Great Commission as a public school student can be a huge change for the better.

Being in any school that's not Great Commission can also be a massive change. As a former public school student, here are my experiences at Great Commission.

Great Commission students standing outside school

Friends and Family 

Here at Great commission, we all know each other. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we all care and look out for each other. In public school, there are many people and huge friend groups. I got overwhelmed with big friend groups and usually, there was lots of drama. In Great Commission I know everyone and I don't just consider them friends I consider them also family. It’s a very small community and a comfortable space to make friends.


Lunch and recess is the best part of a school day. You get to eat and play with friends. Usually, lunch and recess are the students break from learning inside instead we learn outside. You wouldn’t think there would be a difference between recess in a public school and Great Commission, but there is! Right now at G.C.C.S, we love to play volleyball. Most games we play are recreational. At public school there are competitive games but not enough encouragement, here at G.C.C.S everyone helps you get into the game!

Field Trips

Everyone loves field trips, but field trips shouldn’t be the same. Public school field trips shouldn’t be the same thing every year and it gets boring. At Great Commission, there aren’t as many field trips but on every school field trip, we go somewhere new. On one of the school trips that we went on, we went to the Brooklyn Art Museum. Recently the church had a trip to sight and sound that most of the students of G.C.C.S attended.

Overall, coming to Great Commission as a public school student can be a huge change. Having a small community, friends, and fun-packed field trips can help that transition turn out smoothly. Come over to Great Commission Christian School and experience new things.


Spelling at Great Commission Christian School


Piano Lessons at Great Commission