Spelling at Great Commission Christian School

Do you have spelling as a subject in your school? I do, and it can be fun. I do my spelling on an online schooling platform called Calvert Homeschool. 

In each list, you get at least ten spelling words. Every list has a writing project. Today’s project is to write a “spelling blog.” You must bold all your spelling words. These projects make you think instead of just answering a couple of questions, so you are less careless as you write

We learn how to type at Great Commission. I learned where to put my fingers to type faster, which also means that I finish my projects quicker. You may find typing a hardship, but with prayer, God will help you. 

Every project has a different theme. Some assignments have you write a letter to your friends. You might get to write about Jesus being the sunshine of the world. Jesus sits upon the throne in Heaven; He is the dominant King. 

I remember I had to write an essay on the word archeology, but you might write about biology. You might write about how the ball was thrown at you and you were frozen. If you were to write about outer space, you might say that people look like tiny little dots from up there.

Sometimes Calvert’s spelling list is below my spelling level but the project gives me the challenge! I hope you enjoyed my blog project.

Daniel Singh - 5th grade


Transitioning from Public School